Jun 9, 2007

Friday Reference a Day Late

Not a good way to start a reoccurring post, but I had one so better late...

This on comes in the form of an actress showing up in a film related show. Carrie Fisher is a judge on the reality show "On the Lot". When Princess Leia appears on a show it counts (though it may be a stretch).

Since this is a day late here is a personal reference from my week.
My 2 year old daughter loves to use paper towel and toilet paper tubes as megaphones and will walk through the house for extended periods of time with one to her mouth talking. Naturally I have taught her how to breath like Darth Vader (she does a spot on impression) and in her best two year old Vader accent say some famous phrases (Obi-Wan has taught you well" etc...). So, I took the tube and said "I, am your fatha" she took the tube and returned with in her best deep Vader accent "uuhhhh yeah...". My kid is already a smart ass.

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