May 25, 2007

30 years ago in a galaxy...

OK, SO, where to begin? "Rumors of my death have been..." wait, WAAAY over used, so I'll just say...I've been places, seen things...and that's, that.

A whole lot of shit has gone down since my last "post of death". I lost interest in blogging, briefly gained interest again, had a belt of really good Kentucky Bourbon and lost interest again. I missed a couple of key deaths and the aforementioned Bourbon was likely for Mr. V...(Rest). A bunch of other things happened and this morning I was reminded that this was the anniversary of THE movie.

Thirty years ago I saw the first movie I remember seeing in a movie theatre (I was little, what?) and I have paid to see each one since -even the disavowed prequels. In the course of my fan life I have made note of the different camps of fans: Purists, George Lucas Loyalists, and people who are too young to know the difference. Purists reference "Sand People" not "Tuskin Raiders", they know who shot first AND that Han is a bad-ass...period. I am a purist. This movie dominated my play for my entire childhood and has had a pretty big effect on what I will see in the theatre, on TV and what I read. When I met my wife's male friends from college this movie is what brought us together (Dr. Snow Monkey remember the "purse incident"?). SO, to come out of hibernation I acknowledge this first of "Blockbusters" and tip the light-saber to the great space odyssey of 1977...

In addition: on Fridays when I remember I will post a reference that I see in the media (mostly TV). It might be a quote or a subtle gesture, or anything that is a tip-o-the hat to this flick. I know it's bad timing with the seasons coming to an end but I believe that there is at least on reference a week to this film somewhere in modern pop-culture. For today it will simply be the fact that this is the 30th anniversary of the movie. Turn on a Media outlet and you'll find something...

So to recap: shit happened, 30th anniversary and, at least for the summer, I'm back.
"May the force be with you ..."


QuakerDave said...

Glad you're back. Glad you're well.

"Star Wars"? First day with the now wife. 30 years ago. 25 years of marriage.

Guess it was a better choice than bowling after all...

Smithie said...

Ahh the memories. We go bowling on our anniversary, 9 years this summer.

Anonymous said...

Me? It was a double-feature at the DRIVE-IN with..."Battle Beyond the Stars". No, sounds like a reality show but it wasn't.


Smithie said...

John Boy in space...I loved this horrible horrible movie. I think I identified with George Peppard's character the most though.