Jun 14, 2006

What the hell was I thinking...

When I agreed to teach summer school!? I got the call yesterday. I agreed to be a reserve just in case the classes overflowed. This means a few things. My blissful summer days with my daughter are ending…Thursday (tomorrow), there must have been a HUGE number of failures this year and on the up side, we will have enough money to buy a couch for the house we close on in July.

Oh yeah, one of the reasons my blogging has lagged in the last few weeks is that we have been house hunting. We hunted, we found, we offered they accepted we close in July, yea for us.


QuakerDave said...

You. Must. Be. Crazy. Dude. I can understand the money angle, but SHEESH!

Oh, well, truth be told, I did it a few times early on in my career, before the kids arrived. Good luck. The best part is teaching w/o the building crawling with administrators.

They're on VACATION.

Smithie said...

I found out that describing what I am doing this summer as "teaching" is a bit of a stretch. Students are working entirely with an online program. All I do is grade written portions of assignments. It's sad that a year or a semester can be boiled down to a set of questions based on reading, but i gues that's what our testing mania has brout us.

Smithie said...

Fogot to add the implied Kentucky accent to that last comment.