Jan 29, 2006

Keep That Hand...DOWN!?

I’m all for making sure every kid in my classroom feels confident enough to participate in class discussions, activities etc… HOWEVER, banning all hand raising and building in a way for kids to stick their friends (or enemies) with a question when called out by a teacher is just taking it a little too far.

I LOVE spirited class discussion. But with 32 kids in a class and no mic to pass and no security in my room, methodical hand raising is the only way I have found moderate a discussion. Without it things degenerate into something that looks like this.


"Ms. Cornelius" said...

See, people like this who ban hand raising have obviously either never had kids participate in theirr classes because their boring OR they have classes of twelve kids.

I hate it when people are so squishy....

Smithie said...

Or they're English.

"Ms. Cornelius" said...

Yeah-- the same people who wanted to expunge the word "fail" from their vocabularies and change it to "deferred success..."
See http://shrewdnessofapes.blogspot.com/2005/07/failure-by-any-other-name.html