Dec 6, 2005

Score One For Kentucky Education

Like alot of teachers who have slammed into in that time before Christmas when you realize that you are 1/4 of the way through the curriculum and 1/2 way through the year I have been busy. I have however, taken time to read this Johnathan Kozol article in The Nation about post 1954 segregation in urban American schools. Kentucky scored big in the WE NEVER SECEDED FROM THE FREAKIN UNION, DAMMIT category with this little gem.
"...Kentucky's public schools the most desegregated in the nation. The typical black student in Kentucky now attends a school in which two-thirds of the enrollment is Caucasian."
The article is worth a look and has actually opened a discussion between teachers about something other than crappy administrators, crappy students and who called in the bomb threat.

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